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Southeastern Louisiana College (SLC) - Hammond, LA

I think this college is called Southeastern Louisiana University today. It was a small, state, liberal arts college in 1966. The majority of the students were in general business, education or nursing.

I didn't know what I really wanted to do. I think my major was math. Many high school friends were there and I met a lot of new people. I joined a fraternity, Theta Xi (Beta Pi 60). We had some great parties!

Maybe I partied too much. My grades were starting to drop. Not terrible but not great.

Finally, half way into my second year, I said the hell with it and quit. This was early 1968 and things were hot in Viet Nam. I knew the draft would get after me, so I signed up for electronic's school in the Air Force. This had been my hobby since the middle of high school. Guess I was always a nerd.

I went back to Bogalusa and worked in the paper mill for three or four months before leaving for basic training. I had student loans to pay off.