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Annunciation Catholic School (ACS) - Bogalusa, LA

I was raised a Catholic and went to ACS from the first through eighth grade. It was a good basic education. It was about a mile from the home I grew up in to the school. My older brother and I would often ride our bikes there.

With a last name of Birdsong, I got called all kinds of names. The ones I remember were tweetie bird, birdie, birdshit, birdturd, and songbird. I thought birdshit sounded cool and encouraged it. This was probably during the seventh grade. The nickname really didn't catch on in grammar school. However, it would in high school.

Bogalusa was a great place to grow up. It is a small paper mill town about seventy miles north of New Orleans. It is heavily wooded. The Pearl River separates it from Mississippi. There are canals and swamps all along the river.

My grandparents lived next door to us and had forty-two acres of land. It made for a nice backyard. Bogalusa Creek bordered one side. We spent a lot of time during the summer swimming, fishing and camping on the creek.